AMA Tasmania welcomes agreement with the State Government on doctors salaries and conditions
AMA Tasmania is pleased to have reached an agreement with the State Government on a three-year wages agreement for Salaried Medical Practitioners working in the public system.
Lead negotiator Dr Michael Lumsden-Steel said that doctors were appreciative of the government’s offer in these uncertain economic times.
“This agreement is highly unusual and reflective of the times we are living in.
“The government came to the table with a reasonable offer considering the budget and economic circumstances we are confronting through this COVID-19 pandemic.
“Doctors understood the need to reach agreement amicably and without the usual negotiations that would normally take place.
“The AMA had presented a Log of Claims to government late last year wanting to see improvements to working conditions for doctors that were more reflective of the actual work being done to support the health needs of our patients.
“However, with government resources tied up in the COVID response, we have been willing to put many of those issues aside for this agreement and will wait for the next bargaining period to bring our concerns back to the table.”
Dr Lumsden-Steel said the agreement would see doctors receive an increase in salary of 2.3%, 2.3% and 2.35% each year with the first payment payable from the 1st of July 2020.
“Importantly, the recruitment and retention allowance for North West doctors is protected for the next three years. This has been critical in helping the North West lessen its reliance on locum doctors and recruit a more stable workforce going forward.
“We are also pleased in the agreement to see some improvements to parental leave entitlements, which include:
- Paid Parental Leave for maternity or adoption to increase from 14 to 16 weeks commencing from the date of Award variation.
- Paid Partner Leave (after the birth of baby/adoption) to increase from 1 to 3 weeks, to take effect from the date of Award variation.
- Employer superannuation contributions will be paid during unpaid Parental Leave in the first 12 months with effect from the date of Award variation.
“The superannuation payments are particularly important for women who mostly are the primary carers in the first twelve months of their child’s life.
“Continuing to pay superannuation during the twelve months of parental leave will help to reduce the gender gap in retirement incomes for women going forward.
“AMA Tasmania thanks the Tasmanian Government and their negotiating team for their goodwill and cooperation through this period that has led to this agreement.
“We look forward to continuing to work with the government to improve the working conditions of doctors into the future to ensure that the best healthcare is being delivered to patients.” >>>ENDS