Other hospital employees

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Hospital employee - Queensland Health

The ASMOFQ Team, in conjunction with our legal partner, HWL Ebsworth Lawyers, has the ability and expertise to provide specialised health profession services, advice and advocacy on all industrial and workplace relations matters affecting salaried doctor members of AMA Queensland. We represent senior medical officers (SMOs), resident medical officers (RMOs), registrars, visiting medical officers (VMOs) and international medical graduates (IMGs) employed by Queensland Hospital and Health Services.

Our team will continue to:

  • negotiate your industrial agreement including the Medical Officers' Certified Agreement (MOCA) on behalf of senior medical officers and resident medical officers;
  • help you interpret your agreement, award, policies/procedures, directives and other legislation that applies to your employment;
  • clarify your employment rights, responsibilities and entitlements;
  • negotiate with your employer to resolve issues relating to you employment on an individual or collective level;
  • work with you to resolve workplace conflicts and grievances;
  • assist you with navigating performance-related matters;
  • address the inconsistent application of employment entitlements across various Hospital and Health Services (HHSs) in Queensland;
  • work on resolving payroll problems, including underpayment and overpayment;
  • attend meetings with management as your support person or advocate;
  • raise your concerns pertaining to doctors' health and safety at work, including fatigue management issues; and
  • work collaboratively with key stakeholders (including your medical indemnity organisation) on resolving employment matters.

Hospital employee - other hospital employee

Our Workplace Relations Team has the ability and expertise to provide specialised health profession services, advice and advocacy on all industrial and workplace relations affecting employee doctor members of AMA Queensland. We represent Resident Medical Officers (RMOs), Senior Medical Officers (SMOs) and Visiting Medical Officers (VMOs) at the Mater Hospital along with private hospitals.

Our team, with the assistance of our industrial arm, the Australian Salaried Medical Officers Federation Queensland Branch (ASMOFQB), will continue to:

  • work on industrial agreements for employees outside of Queensland Health;
  • help you interpret your agreement, award, policies/procedures, directives and other legislation applicable to your employment;
  • clarify your employment rights and entitlements;
  • approach your employer to resolve issues relating to your employment on an individual or collective level;
  • work with you to resolve workplace conflicts and grievances;
  • assist you with navigating performance-related matters;
  • work on resolving payroll problems, including underpayment and overpayment;
  • attend meetings with management as your support person or advocate;
  • raise your concerns about doctors' health and safety at work, including fatigue management issues; and
  • work collaboratively with key stakeholders (including your medical indemnity organisation) to resolve employment matters.

Queensland Health RMOs and SMOs

ASMOFQ has recently finalised the negotiations for Queensland Health employed RMOs and SMOs regarding the latest iteration of the Medical Officers (Queensland Health) Certified Agreement No. 5 (MOCA 5) which governs the remuneration and working conditions for salaried doctors.

Key wins from the MOCA 5 include:

We are delighted to inform you that the Medical Officers' (Queensland Health) Certified Agreement (No. 5) 2018 (MOCA 5) was certified and is in full effect from Friday 31 May 2019.


Queensland Health has verbally confirmed that the aim is for Medical Officers to receive back pay on 26 June 2019. If this date changes, we will update members accordingly.

AMA Queensland, in partnership with ASMOFQ, is seeking representatives for the following review committees under MOCA 5.

  1. Rural and Remote Review Committee - clause 11.25
  2. SMO Allowance Working Party (PDA and MVA) Committee - clause 3.5
  3. Review of Resident Medical Officer Employment Arrangements Committee - clause 1.17


Here's a summary of ASMOFQ's wins for you.

All Medical Officers

  • 2.5% pay increase per annum;
  • New entitlement for two 10-minute paid rest pauses in the first and second half of the day, with ability to take the two pauses together to form a 20-minute paid break; and
  • New Digital Recall payments.

Resident Medical Officers

  • Over 39% increase in Professional Development Allowance (from $1,575.93 to $2,200 per annum);
  • Over 39% increase in Vocational Training Subsidy (from $2,626.50 to $3,670 per annum);
  • 60% increase in Professional Development Leave (from 5 days to 8 days per annum);
  • 100% increase in Examination Leave (from 2 days to 4 days per permissable occasion);
  • New entitlement for up to 3 days' travel time for rural and remote doctors accessing PDL; and
  • Accrued Professional Development Leave to be preserved for 25 months, if a Medical Officer leaves the health service.

Senior Medical Officers

  • Increase in SMO Professional Development Allowance:
  1. $20,500 Year One
  2. $21,000 Year Two
  3. $21,500 Year Three

Medical Officers with private practice (MORPP) / Medical Superintendents with private practice (MSPP)

  • MORPP and MSPP will have their pay scales updated in line with the SMO pay scale. This will result in an approximate 11% increase upon certification with pay increases of 2.5% on top of this each year.

We continue to advocate for members during the Agreement period to ensure your entitlements are upheld and breaches of the Agreement are rectified appropriately. We also are active in the following working parties under the MOCA 5:

  1. Rural and Remote Review Committee - clause 11.25
  2. SMO Allowance Working Party (PDA and MVA) Committee - clause 3.5
  3. Review of Resident Medical Officer Employment Arrangements Committee - clause 1.17

Mater Public Hospital

We are currently consulting with our members about the SMO and VMO Enterprise Agreements which govern the remuneration and working conditions for salaried doctors employed by the Mater Public Hospital. 

Contact us at mater2018@amaq.com.au to ensure your voice is heard during the negotiations.

Royal Flying Doctor Service Queensland Section

ASMOFQB has been approached by members from the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) Queensland Section to negotiate the first ever enterprise agreement that will cover medical officers employed within RFDS Queensland Sections.

We have consulted with members in the development and approval of the Log of Claims. The agreement will deliver improved conditions and pay for members. It will also preserve and protect current conditions.

Other private hospitals

ASMOFQB is seeking expressions of interest from groups of members employed by private hospitals who would like ASMOFQ to represent them in Enterprise Agreement negotiations with their employer.

Queensland Health VMOs

AMA Queensland and ASMOFQ, via our specialised VMO Committee have identified that the current VMO Individual Contracts lack the protections afforded to other employees covered under a Certified Agreements. As such, we are in discussions with Queensland Health about regarding our VMO members' preference to negotiate a Certified Agreement.