
Donations to AMA Indigenous Medical Scholarship now tax deductible

A medical scholarship that has helped more than 20 Indigenous students become doctors is now open to tax-deductible donations. As the end of the financial year is fast approaching, the AMA is encouraging people and organisations to consider donating towards the AMA Indigenous Medical Scholarship.

“We know that having a highly skilled Indigenous medical workforce plays an important part in improving health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Having an Indigenous doctor at a clinic can often make the difference between a community member turning up for their appointments and never visiting the clinic at all,” said AMA President, Dr Michael Gannon.

“Each year, the AMA offers one Scholarship to an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander student studying medicine at an Australian university. Over recent years, demand has grown, and we anticipate this to increase in future years. With the help of tax-deductible donations, we can increase the number of Scholarships offered each year and help increase the Indigenous medical workforce.”

Past scholarship recipients include Associate Professor Kelvin Kong, Australia’s first Aboriginal surgeon, and Professor Alex Brown, the Deputy Director and Program Leader of Aboriginal Research at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute.

For enquiries please contact the AMA at or (02) 6270 5400, or at

Full media release

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