Pillar 5: A health system for the future
A health system prepared for the challenges of tomorrow
Australia’s health system must be ready to respond to emerging and growing challenges, such as pandemics, workforce shortages, escalating costs of providing healthcare, an ageing population, increasing chronic disease, climate change, and antimicrobial resistance. Creating a health system that is ready for the future will require the sector to embrace change and innovations in how and where healthcare is provided.
Preventing disease and disability will be critical if Australia’s healthcare system is to withstand future challenges. It is widely acknowledged that preventing disease and disability reduces healthcare costs and alleviates the burden on our health system, while also driving economic growth and productivity.
Goals | Policy enablers | Measures of success |
5.1: Prevention of illness, injury, and chronic disease becomes a foundation of Australia’s health system policy and funding response in the immediate future. |
5.2: Reduce, mitigate, and respond to health risks associated with climate change. |
5.3: Work towards decarbonising the Australian healthcare sector. |
Funding and models of care
Funding mechanisms and models of care will need to evolve to meet the future needs of patients and communities. This will require exploring models that incentivise quality and efficiency in the context of increasing demand and costs of providing high-quality care.
Goals | Policy enablers | Measures of success |
5.4: Funding models that incentivise funders to prevention and early intervention to reduce acute and more costly care in the long term. |
5.5: A fit-for-purpose Medicare, with patient rebates that accurately reflect the cost of delivering care, are responsive to advances in medicine, and ensure accessible, equitable, and effective healthcare for all. |
5.6: Evidence-based, value-based, patient-centred, and innovative care models, led by medical practitioners, that improve patient access to comprehensive multidisciplinary care. |
One Health
A health system that is prepared for the future will require policy underpinned by a One Health approach that recognises the link between human, animal, and environmental health to improve population health outcomes.
Goals | Policy enablers | Measures of success |
5.7: A One Health approach to protecting public health that recognises the link between human, animal, and environmental health to improve population health outcomes. Refer to the AMA One Health position statement for more details. |
Regulation and compliance
Fit-for-purpose and contemporary regulation and compliance that supports the delivery of ethically appropriate, safe and high-quality healthcare services across the health system into the future.
Goals | Policy enablers | Measures of success |
5.8: A regulatory and compliance system that upholds the wellbeing of medical practitioners and all healthcare professionals. |
5.9: Reduced complexity of the MBS to facilitate provider compliance. |
5.10: Proportionate growth in fees associated with costs of regulation, registration, and medical indemnity. |
Technology and data
A health system prepared for the future will build on lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic to incorporate new technologies that enhance healthcare delivery. This will include embracing advancements such as precision medicine, telehealth and telemedicine, and real-time analytics to enable informed decision-making and improve health outcomes.
Goals | Policy enablers | Measures of success |
5.11: A more connected and interoperable health and human services sector that enables efficient data collection and exchange to support efficient and effective healthcare delivery and whole of person care. |
5.12: Innovative technologies are used to support the delivery of high-quality, patient-centred, and innovative care. |
Workforce and training
Workforce and training programs that can adapt to meet evolving needs and ethical challenges, fostering a diverse and skilled health workforce which is supported by the capability to collect and analyse workforce data to plan for the future.
Goals | Policy enablers | Measures of success |
5.13: Australia’s health workforce meets the current and future healthcare needs of the population. |
5.14: Growth of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforce as an enabler to delivering culturally safe healthcare. |
5.15: Medical practitioners are supported to provide culturally safe healthcare. For more information see AMA Position Statement on Cultural Safety. |
5.16: International medical graduates are supported to succeed in the healthcare system. |
5.17: A healthy and resilient medical profession that works and studies in environments across their career continuum that support wellbeing and enable quality patient care. |
5.18: Equity, inclusion, and diversity is advanced across the medical profession. Refer to the AMA Equity, Inclusion and Diversity Plan 2023–25 for further information. |
5.19: High-quality education and training environments that support timely progression and trainee wellbeing across the medical career continuum. |
5.20: A sustainable regional, rural, and remote health workforce capable of addressing the health needs of Australians in rural regions |