
Notice of resignation of auditor

Notice of resignation of auditor.

Members of the AMA Tasmania are hereby notified that Crowe Horwath have resigned as auditors of the association. The new auditors are Bentleys Tasmania of 39 Sandy Bay Road Hobart Tasmania.
This is in accordance with the Annual General Meeting of this association held on Saturday the 6th May 2017. This is a normal rotation of Auditors and does not reflect on the performance of either.

Outgoing Auditor:
Crowe Horwath Australasia
(Registered Audit Company)
Level 1, 142-146 Elizabeth Street
Hobart TAS 7000
ABN: 84 006 466 351

Incoming Auditor:
Bentleys Tasmania Audit PTY LTD
(Registered Audit Company)
ABN: 80 130 770 553
39 Sandy Bay Road, Hobart, TAS, 7000
Director: Michael Ian Derbyshire

CEO, AMA Tasmania

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