AMA Tasmania is calling on Government to step up and take charge of the ongoing Tasmanian Health Service saga.
AMA Tasmania President, Dr Stuart Day, said it was well known across the sector that tough decisions are urgently required to address this debacle.
Following the denial of any such report into the Tasmanian Health Service (THS) Executive by Minister Ferguson yesterday, AMA Tasmania has released the contents of a letter addressed to
Minister Ferguson sent last week. In this letter, the AMA conveyed their concerns through member reports of a progressively dysfunctional relationship between the THS Chief Executive Officer, members of the THS Senior Executive and the senior staff within Tasmania's public hospitals.
AMA Tasmania President, Dr Stuart Day, said the AMA is particularly concerned by the adverse impact a dysfunctional THS Executive has on the daily administration and function of Tasmania's public hospitals, including the delivery of patient services and maintenance of accredited college training programs.
“The AMA has held no confidence in the THS CEO for some time, and this remains unchanged. The damage being done to the ability of the organisation to deliver patient care continues,” Dr Day said. “The AMA is aware that Deloitte Australia was recently commissioned by Government to undertake an urgent external review into the effectiveness and function of the THS Executive. It is also understood the Deloitte report has identified serious deficiencies in the capacity of the THS Executive and that these warrant urgent attention.
“We have requested Government not only make the Deloitte report to the THS Executive public but also make available the Government’s response to the report,” Dr Day said.
“We also request the AMA, and the public receives reassurance that the Governing Council will be held accountable for the oversight and management of the THS Executive and its conduct in relation to effectively managing Tasmania's public hospital system.”