Media release


AMA Tasmania welcomed Prime Minister Scott Morrison's announcement today of $92 million for the Health care of Tasmanians. While we await further details on the funding allocations and the outcome of the election we are pleased to see that healthcare for Tasmanians is a priority to the Federal Government. It needs to be clarified as to whether this funding is an increase in addition to previously committed funding as part of prior announcements.

Consistent and predictable funding of the public health system including staff and infrastructure costs is vital to allow future proofing, and to avoid the need for further outsourcing from the public sector which fragments care and causes patient, family and staff angst.

Professor Burgess added, “The announcement of additional funding to help support better health care access for Tasmanians is welcomed, but more detail is required.
Ensuring timely patient access to these important areas of care is an important objective; however, a commitment to ongoing financial support for Tasmanian patients, rather than short term funding is the highest priority."

“It is unclear how and when some of the funds announced today will be made available, and whether the over-stretched public hospital facilities in Tasmania will be able to respond in the absence of a complementary commitment to funding for infrastructure improvements such as upgrading hospital facilities and employing sufficient clinical staff to open beds.”

“Both sides of politics Federally have a real opportunity to step up to the plate when it comes to health funding for Tasmania. The AMA will be looking for evidence of sustainability of funding, particularly commitments around much-needed infrastructure investment in our public hospitals, and ensuring a focus is kept on general practice and meeting the health care needs of disadvantaged Tasmanians” the AMA President said.

Further, the AMA welcomes both the recognition of the need for support of mental health services and is pleased to note this is a crucial theme in today’s announcement along with the substantial medical research investment.



Lara Giddings 0400 417 160 – CEO AMA TASMANIA

Nadine Cove 0409 159 285 – MEDIA AMA TASMANIA