
Rural Doctors - Agreement Update (Nov 2012)

AMA Industrial consultants are currently working on a draft of a new agreement, when completed it will be circulated for agreement and tabled for discussion with the DHHS/THO's/State Government.

Rural Members of the AMA in Tasmania are able to obtain specialist advice on employment matters through the IR Department in the AMA.

The AMA is also the negotiating organization for the Rural Doctors agreement with the State Government. The next agreement currently being developed.


Below are some of the relevant documentation relating to Rural Doctors:

  • Department of Health and Human Services - Industrial Relations Act 1984 Rural Medical Practitioners (Public Sector) Agreement 2011 (pdf file)
  • Department of Health and Human Services - Industrial Relations Act 1984 Rural Medical Practitioners (Public Sector) Agreement 2009 (pdf file)
  • Department of Health and Human Services - Industrial Relations Act 1984 Rural Medical Practitioners (Public Sector) Agreement 2003 (pdf file)