Medical Students TUMSS
The Tasmanian branch of the Australian Medical Association has a medical student representative, nominated by the Tasmanian University Medical Students Society (TUMSS).
Each year this student is nominated at the TUMSS AGM and thereafter attends monthly Branch Council meetings, is involved with student recruitment and may be invited to sit on AMA Tasmania sub-committees.
The primary role of the student representative is to liaise with the AMA in regards to medical student issues. The current student representative, is Tom Webster, he is currently a voting member on Branch Council and he aims to strengthen student member numbers and act as an advocate for student issues. For any enquiries please direct them to the President @
The Tasmanian branch of the AMA has worked closely alongside TUMSS for a number of years, addressing a variety of important issues.
Tom, the student representative, can be contacted via
Student Membership is free!
Download and print a Student Membership application form click here and return via email.
Or post it to:
AMA Tasmania
147 Davey Street
Hobart TAS 7000