Media release


The AMA strongly supports Independent Clark MHR Andrew Wilkie's call for the Productivity Commission enquiry into Tasmania's health system.

AMA spokesperson, General Practitioner Dr John Saul, said today, "the health budget consumes almost a third of Tasmania's entire budget, so it's critical this money is being spent in a way that ensures all Tasmanians have access to the right care, at the right place, at the right time."

"The distribution of health dollars has been hotly contested for years, so it's high time we brought in an independent assessor to make sure Tasmanians are getting value for money."

Dr Saul added, "the Productivity Commission as an independent authority has the potential to cut through the politics of health and get to the core of where and how our health dollars are best spent."

"The AMA strongly advocates on behalf of patients and the health system for a workforce that's adequate to ensure a modern, accessible, affordable, well supported and resourced health care system for all Tasmanians; one that places GP's at the centre of health care."

Further, AMA notes the recent report of the Auditor-General rostering of specialists in Tasmania's major hospitals.

Dr Saul said, "effective rostering of doctors based on adequate staffing levels and with appropriate roster support tools is essential.

"The AMA agrees that lead doctors in clinical departments need to be given the time, IT resources and administrative assistance to ensure staff in their departments are appropriately rostered and that rosters are fully covered.

"We know that many Medical Department Heads are doing their areas rostering and administrative work on top of existing full-time clinical loads."

"If we don't support our Medical Heads of Department in rostering, then risks increase; including specialist fatigue, loss of accreditation and rising cost to the health system." ENDS



AMA Tasmania – Dr John Saul – 0409 525 502
Communications AMA Tasmania – Nadine Cove – 0409 159 285