Tasmanian Government’s Governance Review - Launceston General Hospital and human resources
AMA Tasmania welcomes the government’s governance review of the Launceston General Hospital and human resources.
While we cannot pre-empt the findings of the Commission of Inquiry, it is important that action is taken sooner rather than later to strengthen governance arrangements and look at the role of human resources in supporting the employer and employees to navigate issues pertaining to the employment of individuals and complaint processes. We need to understand the ability of HR to act when a serious complaint is raised against an employee, while also balancing the need for natural justice principles to be upheld.
We would also call upon the Premier to consider extending the review to examine the role of the State Service Management Office and employment directives that can impact on government departments being able to manage staff appropriately according to the circumstances.
Additionally, it is critical to review lines of decision-making to ensure everyone in a hierarchical system understands their level of responsibility and decision-making expectations.
We must learn from the horrific circumstance that led to children being abused, when they should have been in a safe, trusted environment.
AMA Tasmania welcomes being part of the Governance Advisory Panel for the review.
We would particularly like to examine whether there should be a CEO for the north and a CEO for the northwest hospitals. We believe hospital governance was stronger and better connected to all staff when each of Tasmania’s three regions had its own CEO, who were located permanently within the hospitals. >>>ENDS