
AMA submission to the Department of Health’s review of the Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Salary Support Program

The AMA provided a submission to the Department of Health’s review of the Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Salary Support Program. The submission asserted the importance of this Program to improving health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients through an enhanced and more culturally appropriate General Practice (GP) workforce in the Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Sector.

The AMA’s submission affirmed that the AGPT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Salary Support Program should continue to focus on building workforce capability in the Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Sector, and support doctors with a strong commitment to Indigenous health to continue working in this area throughout the duration of their training. This will build on existing cultural knowledge, experience and patient trust, and will make a valuable contribution to growing the number of GPs working in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.​