Workplace Relations

The Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Act 2023

The Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Bill 2023 will amend the Fair Work Act 2009 and related legislation to introduce a wide range of measures.

We would like to draw your attention to amendments made to the FairWork Legislation, particularly the changes that came into effect on 15 December. 

Of note for private practice is the protection for those subject to family and domestic violence, in which the amendment to legislations strengthen protection for employees who have been, or are being, subjected to family and domestic violence from discrimination in the workplace. 

Major changes include:

  • criminalising intentional wage theft and non-payment of superannuation
  • equal pay for labour hire workers
  • discrimination protections
  • small business redundancy exemption
  • workplace delegate rights
  • right of entry

Please find a calendar below that outlines the relevant dates of important changes that may impact you the most. 

FWC graphic

WR Support

Workplace Relations Support 
If you have questions about the calendar we have provided or would like to know more information on the upcoming changes, contact us via phone (07) 3872 2264 and email support  

WR Toolkit

Workplace Relations Toolkit

Workplace Relations Toolkit subscribers will be receiving updates throughout the year as relevant policies that come with the subscription are updated by the Workplace Relations Team to meet the new legislative requirements. 

WR Tailored Services

Workplace Relations Tailored Services

Workplace Relations Tailored Services can provide comprehensive advice to members on workplace matters and how the new legislative changes may affect process to resolving the issue. 


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