Save the date - RU OK Day?
R U OK? Day is a national day of action, which is dedicated to inspiring all people of all backgrounds to regularly ask each other “Are you okay?” and to remind everyone that it is okay to ask this on a daily basis.
It is a day that encourages open and honest discussion around mental health and social isolation and the negative consequences such as suicide.
R U OK? Day is marked on the second Thursday of September with this year’s event being held on Thursday 12 September.
The Workplace Relations Team will be kicking off their own campaign around “Conversation could be the best medicine” whilst proudly supporting R U OK? in July 2024. The culmination of which will be the sale of our conversation packs with the aim of assisting practices with practical tools to normalise mental health conversations as well as how to provide mentally healthy workplaces for their teams through the identification of hazards within the workplace.
Keep an eye out on LinkedIn and other AMA Queensland social media platforms for upcoming posts and information regarding R U OK? Day and our Conversation Packs.