Workplace Relations

Fair Work information statement    

The Fair Work Information Statement provides new employees with information about their conditions of employment and outlines the National Employment Standards, rights and entitlements of employees under Australian Workplace Laws.

Employers are required to provide this statement to all new employees, including casual and part-time prior to commencing employment or as soon as possible once they commence.

With regards to casual employees or those on a fixed-term contract, they must also receive the Casual Employment Information Statement and the Fixed Term Contract Information Statement.

If you fail to provide these statements, you may be liable for penalties under the Fair Work Act 2009. In addition, employees may be able to make a complaint to the Fair Work Ombudsman.

The Fair Work commission handed down the Annual Wage review 2024-2025 on 3 June advising the minimum rates of pay under the Health Professionals and Support Services Award 2020 and the Nurses Award 2020 will increase by 3.75 per cent, effective 1 July 2024. Superannuation contributions will also be raised from 11 per cent to 11.5 per cent. To reflect these changes, the Fair Work Information Statement will also be amended.

The workplace relations team are in the process of putting together an updated Rates of Pay Guide for 2024-2025 which will be available for distribution on completion. The amended Fair Work Information Statement will also be available.

As Workplace Relations News subscribers, you will automatically receive a copy of the new Rates of Pay Guide once it is available.

If you have any questions relating to the Rates of Pay Guide or the Fair Work Information Statement, please contact the WR team on 07 3872 2264 or email at