Workplace Relations

Closing the Loopholes Legislation 2023-2025

The "Closing of the Loopholes Bill 2023-2025" represents legislation aimed at creating a more equitable, transparent, and sustainable framework in Australia. By addressing and closing legislative loopholes, the bill aims to promote fairness, accountability, and compliance across various sectors.

Workplace Relations have written previous article around closing the loopholes legislation:

  1. February 2023 – Timetable of legislative changes
  2. January 2024 – Fair Work Act Changes – Protecting Workers Entitlements 

This edition is to inform you of the changes coming in August around the Changes to Casual Employment and the Right to Disconnect.

Any change to legislation generally require the practice to consider their policy position or procedure in line with the changes. To understand that a little better it is helpful to understand the different between a policy and a procedure which are:

  • A policy is a high-level statement, it outlines the stance, rules and expectations on a specific issue. It provides the guiding principles and the overarching framework within which decisions and actions are to be made. Policies are designed to influence and determine major decisions and actions and to ensure that they are consistent with the Practice’s goals and values
  • A procedure is a detailed, step-by-step description of how to perform a specific task or process. Procedures are practical guides that ensure tasks are carried out consistently and efficiently, according to the policy guidelines (if any). They provide the specific instructions needed to implement the policy effectively.

Let’s consider the key dates and timeframes below outlined by Fair Work and what the Practice’s guiding principles would be. The Workplace Relations team have general policies and procedures on these amendments to legislation or if you require assistance in the drafting and implementation of policy or procedures, please reach out to us on 07 3872 2264 or email us at

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