
Queensland vaccination rollout limited by supply, not demand


Queensland GPs are still frustrated that demand is outstripping supply of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines and are urgently calling on the Federal Government to increase allocations.

Professor Chris Perry, AMA Queensland President, said GPs have been hampered by limits on vaccine orders. He is now urging GPs to set the record straight and ask for what they need.

“Queenslanders are eager to get vaccinated and GPs are eager to provide those vaccinations. We have been limited by a lack of supply, not motivation,” Prof Perry said.

Queensland Chief Health Officer Dr Jeannette Young confirmed that GPs have only ordered 80 per cent of the total eligible allocation for the state.

“I encourage GPs to increase their orders to ensure as many Queenslanders can be vaccinated as quickly and safely as possible,” Dr Young said.

“From next Monday, anyone from 12 years of age to 59 is eligible for a Pfizer vaccine and I would urge them to have that at their GP.”

Dr Maria Boulton, Chair of AMA Queensland Council of General Practice, said AMA Queensland has long advocated for increased supplies with GPs ready and willing to deliver as many vaccinations as possible.

“My practice has 2,000 people on our waiting list and I can assure you that every dose we have has gone into an arm. Not a single dose is wasted,” Dr Boulton said.

“If we have a cancellation or a no-show because a patient has managed to get in to a mass vaccination hub or another vaccination provider, we call up whoever’s next on our waiting list and get them in at short notice.

“I have spoken to many other GPs and they are all in the same position. There is no wastage going on in our practices.

“Queensland has been the safe state. We have been able to contain our outbreaks. We must use this time to focus on getting our population vaccinated.”

AMA Queensland has long advocated for every GP to be able to administer all COVID-19 vaccines to provide patient choice and safety.

“GPs regularly administer all other vaccines in Australia and the COVID-19 vaccine program has been running long enough now for it to be part of the regular vaccine program,” Prof Perry said.

It is anticipated that vaccination rates will increase in Queensland with greater vaccine supplies to general practices and other authorised providers from next week.