
Award update: ‘Schedule X’, unpaid pandemic leave extended  



The Fair Work Commission made the decision to extend ‘Schedule X’ provisions in the Health Professional and Support Services Award 2020 (HPSS), and other at risk and vulnerable sector awards to the 31 December 2022. This allows employees to access up to two weeks’ unpaid leave if they are required by government or medical authorities to self-isolate and consequently prevented from working. Leave taken under this clause does not affect any other paid or unpaid leave entitlements of the employee and counts as service for the purpose of entitlements under the HPSS award and the National Employment Standards. 


Please contact us on (07) 3872 2222 or email if you have any queries. Below are some examples of how each service we provide can help you. 

Workplace Relations Support provides AMA Queensland members with assistance in interpreting modern awards to better understand their responsibilities as an employer and gain knowledge on their staff’s entitlements. You can contact us via phone (07) 3872 2222 and email support

Workplace Relations Toolkit subscribers have access to information fact sheets about award provisions and employee entitlements as part of their subscription. They also receive updated contract templates that ensure they are remaining compliant under the relevant awards when those awards have major updates. 

Workplace Relations Consultancy can provide tailored advice to help AMA Queensland members facing difficulties with staff who are not following policies and procedures set out to them in Awards and workplace policies.