WEBINAR | Resumption of elective surgery | Queensland Health and Private Hospitals answer your questions | 20 May, 7pm
Resumption of elective surgery & Public/Private Arrangements | Queensland Health and Private Hospitals answer your questions
Join AMA Queensland on Wednesday 20 May, 7pm in a LIVE Q&A discussion with Queensland Health and Queensland's private hospital providers.
Queensland Health and Private Hospital Operators will provide an update on the COVID-19 public/private arrangements and the resumption of elective surgery and answers to your most pressing questions about the current situation in Queensland.
Please send your questions via email at covid19@amaq.com.au by 2pm, Wednesday 20 May.
Date: Wednesday, 20 May
Time: 7pm (AEST)
Webinar Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87920418571
Meeting ID: 879-2041-8571
For any further queries, please contact AMA Queensland at covid19@amaq.com.au or (07) 3872 2222.