Payroll tax a national issue
AMA Queensland members will have noticed that the imposition of payroll tax on general practice continues to be a hot media topic, indicating it is quickly becoming a national issue.

AMA Queensland members will have noticed that the imposition of payroll tax on general practice continues to be a hot media topic, indicating it is quickly becoming a national issue.
Earlier this month, the New South Wales (NSW) and Victorian revenue offices published updated public rulings, in line with that released by the Queensland Revenue Office (QRO) last year.
Joint AMA-RACGP advocacy then prompted the NSW Finance Minister to announce a one-year ‘pause’ on audits.
Now, Australian Capital Territory (ACT) practices have been slugged with liability notices but Chief Minister Andrew Barr has restricted its amnesty to those that bulk-bill at least 65% of their patients and register for MyMedicare.
Recent data released by the Federal Government shows the ACT has the lowest bulk-billing rates in the country, with just 25.5% of patients ‘always’ bulk-billed and another 23% ‘usually’ bulk-billed (at least half the time).
This raises questions about the realistic number of ACT practices that could even qualify for the amnesty.
It also makes Queensland’s scheme look far sunnier than that on offer to our southern colleagues.
AMA Queensland is again urging all practices to ensure they have sought appropriate professional advice on whether to register an expression of interest for the QRO’s amnesty with sufficient time before the 29 September 2023 deadline.
The QRO has made it clear that practices that do not register may be the subject of compliance activities following that date.
Our advocacy for an exemption for general practice is continuing and you can access the latest information on our campaign page.