Member feedback on AOD renewal
Our policy team works on numerous issues on behalf of our members and regularly seeks feedback on key topics.
Currently, we are seeking feedback from AMA Queensland members on the Queensland Mental Health Commission’s (QMHC) renewed approach to alcohol and other drugs (AOD) in the state.
This renewal supports the priorities outlined in the Shifting minds: Queensland Mental Health, Alcohol and Other Drugs Strategic Plan 2018-2023 (Shifting minds) and is aligned to the National Drug Strategy
Shifting minds identified the need for:
- significant change in AOD a system-wide integration
- the development of multiagency responses to meet the needs of individuals and groups with complex needs
- drug policy reform
- alcohol harm minimisation
- increasing AOD prevention and early intervention
- growth and development across the continuum of service responses for problematic AOD use
- workforce development
- addressing stigma and AOD literacy.
Seeking member feedback
Our policy team is preparing a submission for the QMHC regarding the development of a new plan for AOD in Queensland.
AMA Queensland members can send their feedback to our team by completing the 18-question survey or by speaking directly with Jeff Allen, our Policy Manager via email or phone (07) 3872 2262
Your feedback is due to us by Friday 5 February 2021.