
Visiting Medical Officer Committee reactivated


Ahead of Visiting Medical Officer (VMO) contracts undergoing review in 2021, AMA Queensland has reactivated the Visiting Medical Officer (VMO) Committee as of August 2020. It is vital that we hear the opinions and concerns of as many VMO members as possible, from a variety of hospitals and specialties. 

The purpose of the VMO Committee is to determine issues relevant to VMO members and to:

a) report to AMA Queensland Council regarding those issues;
b) report to AMA Queensland Board regarding those issues and
c) advocate on behalf of VMOs regarding those issues.

The committee is currently comprised of the following members.

•             Dr Sharon Kelly – ENT surgeon Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Chair
•             Dr Eileen Burkett – Psychiatrist, Princess Alexandra Hospital
•             Dr Hugh McGregor – General Surgeon, Redcliffe Hospital
•             Dr Reagan Brosnon – Orthopaedic Surgeon, Redcliffe Hospital
•             Dr Roxanne Wu – Vascular Surgeon, Cairns Hospital
•             Dr Deborah Bailey – Paediatric Surgeon, Gold Coast University Hospital
•             Dr Mark Ross – Orthopaedic Surgeon, Princess Alexandra Hospital
•             Prof Chris Perry OAM – ENT Surgeon, Princess Alexandra and Queensland Children's     Hospitals, President AMA Queensland
•             Dr Rudolf van der Westhuizen – Anaesthetist, Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital

Please contact our committee and identify any issues you wish us to address as part of our portfolio and encourage anyone who would like to participate as a committee member to connect with the secretariat. Encourage other colleagues to contact us and raise any issues they wish us to address as a committee.

Please contact AMA Queensland via Lisa O’Donnell email or phone (07) 3872 2222.