
Survey to support palliative care reform

Palliative Care Queensland is encouraging anyone already delivering palliative care, or those who want to be, to take part in a landmark survey that seeks to increase access to palliative care through the primary health, aged care, allied health, and specialist palliative care sectors.

Those working or volunteering in primary health and aged care including GPs, nurses and practice managers are encouraged to lend their voice to a landmark national survey that seeks to increase access to palliative care.

Anyone delivering palliative care in any health setting is encouraged to complete the online survey – but Palliative Care Australia also wants to hear from those who want to be delivering palliative care but feel held back or restricted.

Your participating will help Palliative Care Australia and its member organisations around the country to advocate for the palliative care workforce, and everyone who needs palliative care.

On average, people are spending about 20 minutes responding to the tailored questions. 

The survey will stay open until a statistically valid number of responses have been received from across the country.

More information

Participate in the survey

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