
Guide to classifying entry level graduate nurses 


An important skill to develop is the ability to classify staff correctly under their applicable award. The Workplace Relations Team are frequently asked “what level do I classify my newly graduated Registered Nurse (RN)?” and “what is the rate we should be paying our new graduated RN?”

We have put together the following guide that will help practice managers or practice owners understand what to consider and where to look when classifying your graduated RNs. 

Guide to classifying graduate/entry level Registered Nurses

Workplace Relations Support provides assistance to its members by offering guidance and explanations on how to classify your staff appropriately under the Health Professionals and Support Services Award 2020 and the Nurses Award 2020. If you have any questions about current staff and what their appropriate classification might be, please email us at or call us on (07) 3872 2222.

If your principle practitioner or practice owner has subscribed to our Workplace Relations Toolkit they will receive our updated Pay Rates Guide each financial year once the Fair Work Commission has released the pay increase for the next financial year. This is due 1 July 2022, so keep an eye out within our WR News articles. 

Workplace Relations Consultancy can review contracts you have already put together and offer guidance to what the most relevant changes would need to be made to reflect your employee’s new classification level or pay rate.

We can also assist with drafting letter of amendments when staff have a change in their award classification. The award requires that this is to be done in writing.