
QLD GP Alliance – treating COVID


A joint message to our members

We are jointly writing to all our members to provide an emergent update on Queensland’s plans for managing COVID-19 in the community.

ACRRM, AMA Queensland, RACGP and RDAQ collectively represent Queensland general practice as the Queensland GP Alliance. 

We have worked together to advocate to Queensland Health for general practice and our communities regarding preparations for managing COVID-19 in the community.

GP All

We have focused our efforts and advocacy through the COVID19-Primary Care
State Emergency Control Centre liaison meetings.

This message is to alert you to some important updates and to ensure you are watchful for upcoming critical communications from Queensland Health.

What we know so far

Queensland Health have advised the prevalence of Omicron is escalating the number of positive cases in Queensland earlier than anticipated. 

In response to this Queensland Health will be standing up an interim management model for Christmas and early new year period.

Interim Management

Under the interim management model, Queensland Health will utilise Calvary-Medibank Home Support Services platform. 

Positive cases will be coordinated triaged and managed centrally for the interim. 

We have called for a full briefing of the interim model and full information to communicate with our members. To date we have only been provided with a summary. 

We understand Queensland Health will release clinician resources later today. We will also distribute key information via our websites and online communities.

To assist you to manage patient enquiries and concerns we have included a number of important links. These include evidence-based guidelines for managing people with COVID-19.

Future Management Model 

We have represented the key principle that general practitioners are willing and able to assist COVID-19 positive patients. 

However, we have advocated that general practitioners need to be equipped and resourced to support patients to negotiate the current, new and evolving care pathways. 

Health pathways for managing COVID-19 in the community have been released and provide a preview of the role of GPs in managing COVID in the community. You can preview them here.

Health Pathways

Please note: The model of care described in this pathway has not yet been activated in Queensland. GP management of low-risk patients with COVID-19 will be activated as local case numbers rise. This page will be regularly updated with any changes in protocols. These links provide a preview 

The statewide COVID-19 Case Management Health Pathways is now available to view and it is encouraged that primary care clinicians and practice managers work through the pathways in preparation of the launch of the model of care. 

Suspected COVID-19
COVID-19 Vaccination
COVID-19 Case Management

Our outstanding questions

  • Rapid provision of PPE and Fit Testing for GPs and their staff. 
  • A copy of the communication strategy to communicate the plan to Queensland GPs and communities so we can ensure improved timely communications to you from Queensland Health. 
  • Development of single page resources and flow charts for General Practice that are adapted to geographical and identified communities’ contexts. 
  • Urgent briefings on the escalation, retrieval and deterioration pathways and management strategy for rural and remote communities. 
  • Urgent funding to ensure general practitioners are equipped and resourced to support patients to negotiate the current and new and evolving care pathways. 

We are here for you 

We understand the next couple of weeks may be challenging professional and personally for all our members. 

Each of the general practice peak bodies have ensured someone is available for you to connect with over the Christmas and New Year period. 

Contact details

Our contacts between 24 December to 4 January are listed below.
ACRRM: Jenny Johnson
AMA Queensland:
RACGP: Dr Brad Murphy
RDAQ: Marg Moss

Links to important resources

Download a PDF of this document.

Queensland Health Information and Resources for clinicians 

RACGP Guidelines for supporting patients in their home 

National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce pathways

Community Recovery Hotline: 1800 173 349 

Queensland Health co-designed information for consumers' for preparedness

Queensland Health Directive: Isolation for Diagnosed Cases of COVID-19 Direction
Commonwealth advice: Workers in health care settings exposed to COVID-19