Pre flu season Immunisation Register enhancements
Enhancements have been made to the Australian Immunisation Register prior to the 2024 influenza season.
The following AIR enhancements were implemented on 14 April 2024 in preparation for the 2024 influenza season:
Expansion of the COVID-19 Vaccination Report (AIR042A)
The AIR042A report (now known as the COVID-19 and Influenza Vaccination Report) has been updated to include influenza vaccine information (in addition to COVID-19). This enables vaccination providers to identify and follow up individuals who may be eligible for free influenza and/or COVID-19 vaccines.
These updates allow providers to choose the:
- Antigen (COVID-19 and/or influenza)
- vaccine brand
- total number of doses an individual has received
- number of doses received in a specified timeframe
- For example, an individual has received ‘0’ doses in the last ‘6’ months
- age or Date of Birth range
Services Australia will publish an updated eLearning module for the AIR042A report in the coming weeks. This will include more information on how to use the AIR042A report.
Influenza Medical Contraindications
Eligible vaccination providers can now report a medical contraindication for ‘influenza vaccines’ to the AIR. This enhancement simplifies the reporting of medical contraindications for influenza vaccines and reduces the burden of having to report multiple vaccine brands to the AIR.
Please see an example of the AIR site here.
Vaccination providers should only report a medical contraindication to the AIR for ‘influenza vaccines’ if the individual is contraindicated to ALL influenza vaccine brands.
Once the medical contraindication is recorded on the AIR, it will display on the individual’s AIR record, including their Immunisation History Statement. This enables individuals to generate accurate vaccination evidence to provide for school, employment, and travel purposes.
Further information on how to report a medical contraindication to the AIR is published on the Services Australia website here.