New AMA Queensland President

Dr Maria Boulton has been elected President of AMA Queensland. She is the ninth woman to hold the role in the Association’s 128-year history.
Hervey Bay GP Dr Nick Yim has been elected as Vice President.
Dr Boulton, a GP in Brisbane, succeeds Professor Chris Perry and Dr Yim succeeds Dr Bav Manoharan.
“I have been lucky to have worked very closely with Chris and Bav. Both have been champions for general practice and I will follow their lead as a President who works for all members, regardless of where they work, what specialty they’re in, or what career stage they are at,” Dr Boulton said.
“I am excited to continue working with Nick. His daily experiences of the health system outside of the big cities and his previous career as a pharmacist bring invaluable insights as AMA Queensland fights for patient safety against dangerous proposals like the Queensland Government’s plan to let pharmacists diagnose and sell medicines for serious conditions with no medical oversight.
“Our doctors and healthcare workers are exceptional. Their skills and experience are second to none, and their genuine altruism and goodwill are keeping our health system operating. Without their sacrifice the system would have failed a long time ago.
“While the past two years have been very much about the pandemic, COVID has just further exposed the precarious situation our healthcare system is in.
“Our hospitals are over capacity and primary care is woefully underfunded. Overworked, burnt out doctors in training are no longer receiving as many meaningful educational opportunities or training. Medicare rebates have not kept up with the cost of providing the healthcare that GPs and other private specialists deliver every day.
“I am determined to ensure that the AMA Queensland Council and Board continue to have strong cross representation of all specialties, that we work for all doctors, but most importantly that we work for the community and patients.
“As we move forward, we must fight for sustainability and safety for the system, for our patients, and for our workforce.
“I will ensure that AMA Queensland continues to fight for the best care for patients, and safe workplaces,” Dr Boulton said.
- Left El Salvador during the civil war.
- Studied medicine at UQ before practising in Mackay for nine years.
- Chair of the AMA Queensland Committee of General Practice since 2020.
- Winner 2017 Telstra Queensland Business and New Business of the Year Award.