
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome guidelines and advice

Queensland Health has provided guidelines and information on behalf of the Commonwealth regarding Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).

The below information has been provided by Queensland Health. 

Information for health professionals

Health professionals should be alert to the possibility of Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) in unwell travellers returning from the Middle East and obtain a full travel and exposure history. Apply appropriate infection control measures as soon as you suspect MERS and contact your local public health unit immediately.

Read the full document here

Guidelines for MERS coronavirus in general practice

It is unlikely but possible that a patient in primary care with respiratory symptoms will have Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), so be alert for the possibility of MERS in returned travellers.

You can find the guidelines here

Information for travellers

Any travellers who have returned from an area affected by MERS, or who are travelling to, or live in, an area overseas that is affected by MERS should be provided with the information that can be found in the document below. 

Find Information for travellers here

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