
Introducing your new President, Board and Council


Following AMA Queensland's AGM on Friday night, we would like to congratulate our new and continuing President, Board and Council members.

Board of Directors

  • President - Associate Professor Chris Perry
  • Vice President - Dr Bav Manoharan
  • Chair - Dr Eleanor Chew
  • Member Appointed Director – Dr Nicholas Yim


  • Doctors in Training - Dr Maddison Taylor
  • Gold Coast Area - Dr Louise Robinson
  • Greater Brisbane Area - Dr Rachael O'Rourke
  • Greater Brisbane Area - Dr Emily Shao
  • Greater Brisbane Area - Dr Paul Bryan
  • North Coast Area - Assoc Prof Cornelius "Kees" Nydam
  • Retired Doctors - Assoc Prof Geoffrey Hawson
  • Specialist Craft Group - Prof Tony Rahman

You can find the full list of AMA Queensland Board members here and Council representatives here.

The doctors listed are your representatives as an AMA Queensland member. If you have any ideas, concerns, issues or feedback, you contact them through AMA Queensland secretariat by email at or phone (07) 3872 2222, or contact them directly through Queensland Doctors' Community.