
Workers in a Healthcare setting directive No 2


The Chief Health Officer has revoked the previous public health direction, Workers in a healthcare setting (COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements) Direction (No 1) and replaced it with the Workers in a healthcare setting (COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements) Direction (No. 2), effective from 2.23pm AEST, 16 December 2021. 

Some of the key changes are listed here, referencing the paragraphs as numbered in the Direction (No. 2): 

•    paragraph numbered 8,”COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements”;
•    Part 2 headed “Part 2 - exceptions” and especially paragraph numbered 10 (see below);
•    section headed “Participation in a COVID-19 Vaccine Trial”(paras. Numbered 13 to 15);
•    section headed “Critical Support Needs” supplements the preceding section, “Critical Workforce Shortage” amongst other changes .

One of the key changes is set out in the below extract. 

worker in healthcare to whom paragraph 9 applies must:

  1. comply with the PPE guideline requirements for the healthcare setting and any COVID safe plans for the healthcare setting; and

  2. undertake a daily COVID-19 PCR test while engaged at a healthcare setting and provide the COVID-19 PCR test result to the responsible person for the healthcare setting as soon as reasonably practicable after the test result is received; or

    Example: an unvaccinated worker in healthcare who works consecutive shifts several days in a row is required to undertake a COVID-19 PCR test each day.

  3. where the worker in healthcare is a person to whom the Health Employment Directive 12/21 Employee COVID-19 Vaccination requirements (the HED) or the Residential Aged Care Facilities Direction (No.9) or its successor (the direction) applies, comply with the requirements relating to a medical contraindication or any other exceptions to mandatory vaccination requirements in the HED or the direction.

    Example: an admissions clerk who provides evidence of a current medical contraindication is able to continue working in an alternative administrative role, using PPE consistent with the setting’s policies and the PPE guideline and must undertake a daily COVID-19 PCR test and provide a negative COVID-19 test result when it is received.

Read the full direction

Frequently asked questions

If you require any clarification on this Direction, please contact our Workplace Relations Team on (07) 3872 2222 or email