
New Council of Doctors in Training


AMA Queensland is pleased to announce our 2021-22 Council of Doctors in Training (CDT).

Through the AMA Queensland CDT, we advocate collectively on the critical issues affecting doctors in training, including:

  • medical workforce shortages, placements, rostering arrangements;
  • health and wellbeing;  
  • education; and
  • patient advocacy.

CDT meet regularly to review and progress the important issues for Doctors in Training. Have an issue you would like AMA Queensland Council of Doctors in Training to take forward? Email

Dr Dilum Ekanayake, Logan Hospital

Deputy Chairs
Dr Natasha Abeysekera, Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital
Dr Robert Nayer, Gold Coast University Hospital

Education and Training Portfolio             
Dr Pallavi Thite, Queensland Childrens Hospital
Dr Matthew Kim, Princess Alexandra Hospital

This team will look at the issues involved with the Resident Medical Officer and Registrar recruitment campaign. Data from previous Resident Hospital Health Checks will be used to address protected teaching time and addition of registrars.

Communications Portfolio
Dr Oliver Hovav, Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital
Dr John Ward, Logan Hospital

The team will work to keep communication lines open between CDT and junior doctors, using AMA Queensland’s channels. 

Wellbeing Portfolio
Dr Dorothy Chua, Sunshine Coast University Hospital
Dr Chris Erian, Sunshine Coast University Hospital

The team will concentrate on this year’s Resident Hospital Health Check, an important tool to provide insights into junior doctors’ experiences and the culture of public hospitals. They will work with CDT’s hospital representatives and Doctors’ Health in Queensland to support junior doctors with their mental health and well-being.

Advocacy Portfolio        
Dr Hannah Gribbin, Sunshine Coast University Hospital
Dr Semini Wickramatunga, Greenslopes Hospital

The team plan to highlight the need to survey members to identify advocacy issues but will focus attention on combatting climate change and driving sustainability, as well as addressing doctors’ mental health and well-being. The team also plan to upskill members to know how to advocate effectively.

Industrial Relations Portfolio    
Dr Michael Isaacs, Ipswich Hospital
Dr David Athan, Townsville University Hospital

The team will canvass junior doctors to understand what they want to improve in MOCA6 negotiations and work closely with the Australian Salaried Medical Officers’ Foundation Queensland (ASMOFQ). They will also focus on helping international medical graduates overcome the challenges facing them – wellbeing, training and adapting to new lifestyle. 

Membership and Events Portfolio          
Dr Susmita Reddy Karri, Townsville University Hospital
Dr Cong Sun, Princess Alexandra Hospital

The team will focus on events that build career progression and advice for junior doctors and support AMA Queensland’s Membership Team with recruiting junior doctors and students despite COVID challenges.

Rural and Remote Portfolio       
Dr Stephanie Cornish, Toowoomba Hospital

Led by Dr Cornish, CDT will look at issues affecting doctors working in rural and remote hospitals.

Hospital representatives

Townsville Hospital
Dr Maddison Taylor
Dr Melissa Tawiah

Sunshine Coast University Hospital
Dr Lachlan Byth
Dr Kelvin Ho      

Ipswich Hospital             
Dr Li Si Alyssa Chong

Logan Hospital  
Dr Hannah Rienks
Dr Chih-Yun (Mary) Wu 

Cairns Hospital 
Dr Elise Witter
Dr Satyen Hargovan

Toowoomba Hospital   
Dr David Brough

Princess Alexandra Hospital       
Dr Honor Magon             
Dr Michael Wu 

Gold Coast University Hospital  
Dr Rhys Harris
Dr Dinesh Palipana

Queensland Children’s Hospital
Dr Jessica Shapiro

Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
Dr Mickael Henain
Dr Samuel Bryant

Mount Isa Hospital        
Dr Brianna Smith

Mater Hospital 
Dr Jinwook Kim 

Rockhampton Hospital 
Dr Sahand Tahmasebi    

Redcliffe Hospital
Dr Melissa Chua

AMA Queensland is still on the lookout for hospital representatives for Caboolture Hospital, Bundaberg Hospital, Queensland Elizabeth II Hospital, Redlands Hospital, Hervey Bay Hospital, Prince Charles Hospital, Greenslopes Hospital and Mackay Hospital. If interested please complete the application online via the online survey link or find out more by emailing Deputy Chair Dr Natasha Abeysekera.