Council of Doctors in Training mid-year update
AMA Queensland's Council of Doctors in Training (CDT) has undergone a revamp under the leadership of co-chairs, Drs Robert Nayer and Natasha Abeysekera. The council is taking action by focusing on these aims.
- Building a sense of community amongst Queensland Doctors in Training
- Ensure Queensland Doctors in Training’s voices are heard state and nation wide when policy and advocacy directions are being set
- Helping Queensland Doctors in Training escalate issues and assisting them in managing the power differential inherent in the apprenticeship model of medical training
The co-chairs are joined by a dedicated team of portfolio leads and hospital representatives who are all invested in accomplishing the aims. To date we have seen several wins within CDT.
- Development of the sustainability working group
- Several publications in MJA Insight and Doctor Q
- Development of position statement ‘Prevocational Medical Officer Education’
- Ongoing collaboration with Doctors Health Queensland
- Development of the ‘Know Your Rights’ campaign
If you are interested in becoming involved with the CDT or have any questions, comments or concerns please contact Co-Chair, Dr Natasha Abeysekera, at