
Council of Doctors in Training mid-year update

AMA Queensland's Council of Doctors in Training (CDT) has undergone a revamp under the leadership of co-chairs, Drs Robert Nayer and Natasha Abeysekera. The council is taking action by focusing on these aims.

  1. Building a sense of community amongst Queensland Doctors in Training
  2. Ensure Queensland Doctors in Training’s voices are heard state and nation wide when policy and advocacy directions are being set
  3. Helping Queensland Doctors in Training escalate issues and assisting them in managing the power differential inherent in the apprenticeship model of medical training

The co-chairs are joined by a dedicated team of portfolio leads and hospital representatives who are all invested in accomplishing the aims. To date we have seen several wins within CDT.

  1. Development of the sustainability working group
  2. Several publications in MJA Insight and Doctor Q
  3. Development of position statement ‘Prevocational Medical Officer Education’
  4. Ongoing collaboration with Doctors Health Queensland
  5. Development of the ‘Know Your Rights’ campaign

If you are interested in becoming involved with the CDT or have any questions, comments or concerns please contact Co-Chair, Dr Natasha Abeysekera, at