
Ahpra advocacy update

AMA Victoria (AMAV) continues to advocate to Ahpra regarding equitable registration fees for healthcare practitioners on parental leave and have provided an update below.

AMAV has urged Ahpra to revise its fee-setting policy to align with equity principles and call for transparent clarification on why reduced fees for parental leave practitioners have not to date been implemented.

Support our action by signing and sharing the petition of our public facing campaign: Ahpra should act fairly and equitably

Sign the petition now

Last month, Ahpra responded to our advocacy efforts by initiating a 'review' of registration fees. While acknowledging this step, we have sought clarity from Ahpra on the specifics of this review, including who is conducting it, its independence, scope, and whether outcomes will be shared with stakeholders or the public. Additionally, we have requested a timeline for its completion.

Ahpra’s fee setting operates under National Law so the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 does not apply to it. However, inequitable and discriminatory fee practices undermine trust among healthcare practitioners in Ahpra and the National Boards. Professional Codes of Conduct highlight the harmful impact of discrimination and inequity in healthcare settings. Gender equity is the first principle of the 2020-30 National Women’s Health Strategy - highlighting the significance of gender as a key determinant of women’s health and wellbeing. Gender equity is not a “nice to have” in our healthcare system. It’s a must have – something we must continue to advocate for. 

To bolster our calls for Ahpra to change AMAV: 

  • has submitted a complaint regarding Ahpra’s fee setting approach to the National Health Practitioner Ombudsman
  • is continuing to seek additional individual and organisational support for our public petition
  • has opened dialogue and sought meetings with additional individuals and organisations who have interest and expertise in gender equity advocacy and human rights, and
  • is contacting additional Members of Parliament to increase the knowledge of our concerns. 

In the absence of more substantial progress, we renew our requests for Ahpra to:

  1. identify any specific provision in the National Law that Ahpra cites as preventing it from creating a category for parental leave registration or offering pro-rata discounts or fee rebates
  2. clarify whether Ahpra’s decision not to reduce fees for practitioners on parental leave is based on the existing Health Profession Agreement or the interpretation of current legislation, and
  3. promptly revise Ahpra’s fee-setting policy to address this issue. 

If Ahpra has received legal advice supporting claims of legal barriers, we urge Ahpra to release this advice to facilitate advocacy for legislative changes.

AMAV continues to call on Ahpra to meet with us to discuss these matters further, and explore together the positive impacts on equity, inclusion, and diversity within the healthcare workforce that would result from embedding equity principles in Ahpra’s fee-setting arrangements. 

Thank you for your support of our advocacy. Together we can.

Dr Jill Tomlinson
President, AMA Victoria