
ASMOFQ January update


ASMOFQ update

Since returning from the Christmas break, the Australian Salaried Medical Officers’ Federation Queensland (ASMOFQ) has seen a steady increase in member enquiries (from Queensland Health and the Mater), as many members return from their own periods of leave.

Leave entitlements
At this time of year, unsurprisingly, many members have contacted ASMOFQ with enquiries about their leave entitlements. Members’ leave entitlements vary depending on the nature of their roles, their length of service and sometimes even where they work. Furthermore, employers’ policies on different types of leave like Maternity Leave, Long Service Leave and leave on Public Holidays can be confusing and inconsistently applied. If you any concerns in relation to leave entitlements, contact ASMOFQ for advice.

COVID-19 protection
Understandably, many members have also been concerned by the impact of COVID-19 on their workplace. It is important to note that your employer has obligations under health and safety legislation to keep you safe! As front liners, your employer should have stringent procedures in place to prevent and manage your risk of exposure to COVID-19. These should include ensuring adequate supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE) are available and that proper fit testing occurs. If you have any concerns about your employer’s procedures or policies for the prevention and management of exposure to COVID-19, contact ASMOFQ.

Rostering also continues to be a source of concern for many of our members. Across Queensland, we continue to see hospitals fail to properly consult with our members about significant changes to rosters. This results in the inequitable distribution of shifts, lack of fatigue management, unexpected overtime, as well as workload issues. If you have any concerns about rostering or feel that you have not been properly consulted about changes to your roster or workload, contact ASMOFQ to find out where you stand.

Action on behalf of West Moreton HHS SMOs
ASMOFQ has also recently commenced proceedings in the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission on behalf of Senior Medical Officers (SMOs) working for West Moreton Hospital and Health Service (HHS). ASMOFQ alleges Queensland Health failed to pay SMOs working at regional hospitals in the West Moreton catchment a “stand-by” allowance in circumstances where they stayed onsite, could be recalled at any time and were expected to return to duty immediately if recalled. If you have any queries about this proceeding or questions about on-call or standby entitlements more generally, contact ASMOFQ.

Contact ASMOFQ
Phone: (07) 3872 2222

John Cosgrove
ASMOFQ Senior Industrial Advocate
Mobile: 0417 972 038

Alex Morison
ASMOFQ Industrial Officer
Phone: 0419 027 084