CPD Home

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Introducing, the AMA’s CPD Home.

Offering more choice and better support, CPD Home understands doctors’ needs, challenges, and the compliance requirements, in depth.

AMA’s CPD Home supports all doctors achieve compliance, with more freedom.

2024 Registration Changes
From 1 January 2024, all Australian doctors will need to comply with the new CPD registration standard.

Under the Medical Board of Australia’s Registration Standard: Continuing professional development (the Standard), doctors will no longer be able to self-manage their CPD.
For ongoing medical registration, doctors must join an Australian Medical Council (AMC) approved CPD home.

At CPD Home we:

  • provide full support to guide doctors through the new challenges
  • uncover doctors daily work hours that translate to CPD activities
  • help doctors target CPD activities that address their learning needs
  • offer a flexible range of subscriptions to suit doctors career pathway
  • provide a catalogue of Australia’s broadest range of CPD activities
  • enable doctors to take control of their CPD anytime, anywhere
  • support all doctors who require a CPD home.

The AMA's CPD Home. More Choice. More support. More Flexibility.

CPD Home


Visit CPD Home

Email: enquiries@cpdhome.org.au

1800 CPDHOME (1800 273 466)