Membership rates 2024

MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY Annual Rate Monthly Rate Fortnightly Rate*
GP - Private Practice (FPP1) $1,726 $143.83 NA
SPEC - Private Practice (FPS1) $1,726 $143.83 $66.38
Salaried Medical Officer (FSS1) $1,726 $143.83 $66.38
Part Time 0-10hrs P/Week (FPT1) $427 $35.58 $16.42
Part Time 11-20hrs P/Week (FPT2) $944 $78.67 $36.31
Part Time 21-30hrs P/Week (FPT3) $1,247 $103.92 $47.96
Intern (F1Y1) $516 $43 $19.85
Junior House Officer (F2Y1) $630 $52.50 $24.23
Senior House Officer (F3Y1) $726 $60.50 $27.92
Principal House Officer (F4Y1)  $880 $73.33 $33.85
Registrar (F5Y1) $1,051 $87.58 $40.42
Academic/Postgraduate (FAA1) $1,015 $84.58 NA
Overseas (FBB1) $911 $75.92 NA
Retired (FRR1) $323 $26.92 NA
Over Seventy Practicing (FVV1) $819 $68.25 NA
Parental Leave (ML) $409 $34.08 NA

AMA Queensland membership fees as of 01/01/2024.

*Where available via Queensland Health

Membership rates 2025

The AMA Queensland Board has decided to freeze membership fees for 2025 for the third consecutive year. However, AMA Federal have applied a CPI increase of 3.8% to their portion of the membership fee, with exemptions for Doctors in Training (DiTs) and members on parental leave.

MEMBERSHIP CATEGORY 2025 Annual Rate Monthly Rate Fortnightly Rate*
GP - Private Practice (FPP1) $1,756 $146.33 NA
SPEC - Private Practice (FPS1) $1,756 $146.33 $67.54
Salaried Medical Officer (FSS1) $1,756 $146.33 $67.54
Part Time 0-10hrs P/Week (FPT1) $436 $36.33 $16.77
Part Time 11-20hrs P/Week (FPT2) $967 $80.58 $37.16
Part Time 21-30hrs P/Week (FPT3) $1,270 $105.83 $48.85
Intern (F1Y1) $516 $43 $19.85
Junior House Officer (F2Y1) $630 $52.50 $24.23
Senior House Officer (F3Y1) $726 $60.50 $27.92
Principal House Officer (F4Y1)  $880 $73.33 $33.85
Registrar (F5Y1) $1,051 $87.58 $40.42
Academic/Postgraduate (FAA1) $1,039 $86.58 NA
Overseas (FBB1) $931 $77.58 NA
Retired (FRR1) $331 $27.58 NA
Over Seventy Practicing (FVV1) $834 $69.50 NA
Parental Leave (ML) $323 $26.92 NA

AMA Queensland membership fees as of 01/01/2025.

*Where available via Queensland Health