Workplace Relations

Refresher: Classifying staff under modern awards

Correctly classifying staff in your practice is fundamental to ensuring employees are being paid correctly and recruited into the correct position.

This is especially important when drafting employment contracts and deciding on the appropriate pay rate. Classification definitions can be found in Schedule A - Classification Definitions of the Health Professionals and Support Service (HPSS) Award 2020 and the Nurses Award 2020. Employers have an obligation to notify their employees in writing of their classifications upon commencement and of any subsequent changes that may occur.  

As a helpful tool, we have put together two guides to assist in the classification of your staff under both these awards. While we are not able to classify staff on your behalf, we can provide you with these helpful tools to assist. 

Health Professionals and Support Services Guide 
Nurses Award Guide 

Once you have classified your staff, you can check their pay rate against the minimum rates of pay outlined in our Rates of Pay Guide 2022-23

    WR Support

    Workplace Relations Support 

    If you need help classifying a staff member or don’t know where to begin, you can call our Workplace Relations Team for help. You can contact us via phone (07) 3872 2222 and email support

    WR Toolkit

    Workplace Relations Toolkit 
    Workplace Relations Toolkit subscribers receive complimentary contract drafting for any new employees your hire throughout the duration of your 12-month subscription.  

    WR Consultancy

    Workplace Relations Consultancy

    Workplace Relations Consultancy can review contracts you have already put together and offer advice or guidance on terms and conditions that may need amending to remain legally compliant.   

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