Surgical Wait List Roundtable

Surgical Waitlist Roundtable

AMA Queensland convened its Surgical Wait List Roundtable to examine growing elective surgery wait lists in regional and rural areas and identify practical, affordable actions the Government can take to address inequities in access.

The Roundtable follows the success of the AMA Queensland Ramping Roundtable in 2021, which made sensible, achievable recommendations on how to address ambulance ramping and emergency department overcrowding issues.

Frustrated by the growing inequity of access to elective surgery, particularly in areas between the Sunshine Coast and Townsville, a group of dedicated doctors has been meeting over several months to develop an action plan to resolve the problems plaguing specialists and patients.

AMA Queensland’s Surgical Wait List Roundtable comprises a diverse mix of Queensland clinicians from a wide range of specialty areas with expertise in surgical services and regional and remote practice.

The Roundtable is reviewing the latest data, current strategies and policy approaches to address the increasing elective surgery wait lists and the consequences on emergency departments and our public health system. 

The Roundtable has met online regularly since its establishment and is due to conclude on 11 September 2024. The result will be an AMA Queensland Surgical Wait List Roundtable Action Plan detailing proposed actions and suggestions to the government. 


Action Plan

Coming soon.

The Roundtable will conclude on 11 September 2024 with the Action Plan to follow.