2021 Achievements

2021 achievements

AMA Queensland is the peak body representing the entire medical profession throughout the state.

With the support of our members in 2021 we have responded to unprecedented health challenges and achieved strong outcomes to help doctors deliver exemplary health care to Queenslanders.

We're proud to be the only group able to represent all doctors providing unparalleled support throughout every career stage– from starting as a student, becoming a consultant, all the way through to retirement.

No other association supports every craft group, in every state, across the public and private sectors, like the AMA.

Our unique, holistic perspective and direct member engagement allows us to identify and address gaps or duplication across the entire health system and advocate for solutions that support doctors and patients.

Be a part of the AMA Queensland community of doctors who collaborate, support and connect with each other to advocate for change on the health care issues that matter.


2021 Achievements

In 2021, we continued to face unparalleled pressures in the health care sector. We quickly rose to the challenges and responded to our members’ needs and helped doctors navigate the complexities of the COVID-19 crisis. Here is a snapshot of our achievements for members in 2021.


Powerful media voice

  • >760 media mentions, 35.2M accumulated audience
  • Influenced government and led the conversation 
  • Ensured our members’ voices were heard, nationally, locally and in the workplace
Member engagement

Strong member engagement 

Mental Health

Supporting doctors’ mental health and wellbeing 

  • Helped doctors facing unprecedented levels of mental and physical strain
  • Ran the Self-Care September and Every Dr Needs a GP campaigns to raise awareness of the challenges facing doctors and provided our members with help and support
  • Lobbied the State Government for $2M to support doctors’ mental health with effective wellbeing programs including the private sector
  • Delivered 54 Wellbeing at Work sessions at 21 hospitals for 837 interns, giving them the right tools and strategies at the start of their medical careers

Fought for your safety 

  • Successfully lobbied for the appropriate provision of personal protective equipment (PPE) for our members
  • ASMOFQ ran a dispute against Queensland Health in the QIRC which resulted in proper P2/N95 fit-testing across all HHSs
  • Advocated for mandatory COVID-19 vaccination of all public health care workers
  • Conducted the sixth Resident Hospital Health Check, which evaluates employment conditions for Queensland doctors in training and compares hospitals across the state

COVID support 

Workplace Relations

Workplace relations expertise 

  • 1.4K private practice member engagements providing workplace relations information and guidance
  • Provided members with free access to the AMA Fees list for costing
    assistance and guidance
  • Raised awareness of the issues facing your workforce and patients’ health care.
  • Lobbied for mandatory vaccinations for private health care workers
  • The Workplace Relations Team provided webinars on leave essentials, mental health in the workplace, employment termination, Work, Health and Safety requirements and complaints and grievance management
  • Delivered targeted workplace webinars covering numerous issues
    including COVID-19 implications for practices and health care workers
  • Supported practice owners to implement mandatory COVID-19 vaccines in the workplace

Industrial Relations

Industrial relations wins 


Policy success 

Focus for 2022

In 2022, we will continue to support and represent Queensland doctors and focus on key issues affecting the medical profession such as:

  • addressing the ramping crisis crippling Queensland hospitals
  • lobbying for overdue Medicare changes
  • ensuring VMOs are well represented in upcoming MOCA 6 negotiations
  • advocating for strong health outcomes in the upcoming Federal election
  • and many more.

We are proud to lead Queensland doctors and create better health outcomes for our community. 

Join now

Become a member

AMA Queensland walks beside members throughout their career, including medical students, doctors in training, senior medical officers, general practitioners, specialists and retired doctors. We support you and your colleagues in advocating for the strongest health system in Queensland through to provision of individual advice, support and representation on issues that affect you in the workplace.


To contact the AMA Queensland Membership Team:

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Follow us and join the conversation on FacebookLinkedInTwitter and Instagram, as well as our member-only Queensland Doctors' Community (QDC)