
AMA Queensland Council communiqué

The AMA Queensland Council met on 28 July 2023. I would like to thank all Councillors for volunteering their time to represent the membership and support the advocacy work of AMA Queensland.

This is the first meeting since our AMA Queensland AGM in May.  I would like to introduce you to our current AMA Queensland Council.

President Dr Maria Boulton
Vice President and Council Chair Dr Nick Yim
Board Chair Dr Eleanor Chew OAM

Dr Hashim Abdeen Dr Sandra Hirowatari
Dr James Allen Dr Sharon Kelly
Dr Antony Attokaran A/Prof Alka Kothari
Dr Sanjeev Bandi Lachlan McMillan
Dr Venu Bhamidi A/Prof Ewen McPhee
Dr Sharmila Biswas A/Prof Kees Nydam
Dr Kimberley Bondeson Dr Rachael O'Rourke
Dr Emilia Dauway Dr Katie Panaretto
Dr Stephanie Dawson-Smith Prof Chris Perry OAM
Dr Lisa Fraser Dr Fiona Raciti
Dr Erica Gannon Dr Mikaela Seymour
A/Prof Paul Griffin Dr Sally Sojan
A/Prof Geoffrey Hawson Dr Ben Wakefield
  Dr Elise Witter


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Chief Medical Officer, Queensland
Dr Catherine McDougall spoke to Council about her vision as Chief Medical Officer and expressed how her aim is to ensure quality in a sustainable system with better linkage to primary care. Connection, engagement, reform and wellbeing of staff are her top priorities. 

AMA Queensland looks forward to our continued collaboration with Dr McDougall and Queensland Health.

Opioid Stewardship Roundtable Toolkit and campaign page
Members of the Opioid Stewardship Roundtable has been reaching out to private hospitals in their professional networks to discuss opioid tapering and management plan.

That Council approves the development of a post-operative pain management campaign webpage and toolkit for the AMA Queensland website to encourage self-directed adoption of opioid tapering and management plans.

North Queensland Prescribing Pilot
The North Queensland Prescribing Pilot consultation and began, AMA Queensland has been invited to once again participate in the consultation process. The was robust discussion within Council if we are to participate.

AMA Queensland Council resolved that AMA Queensland communicates to Queensland Health advising participation will only occur if the requirement to sign a confidentiality agreement is removed before a representative can be nominated for participation in the NQ Pilot quality and safety framework workshop.

Working groups
Working groups are created for a specific task or project and therefore have a limited tenure. The objectives of the working group are clearly articulated in its terms of reference with timelines in place where appropriate.

AMA Queensland Council has identified areas of policy that requires updating or we do not have positions on.  

That Council approves the formation of: 

  • AMA Queensland Sustainability Working Group 
  • AMA Queensland Council LGBTIQA + SB Working Group.

President’s report
President, Dr Maria Boulton, highlighted in her report continued issues facing the profession, including:
•    Queensland state budget
•    Payroll tax – another state granted an amnesty
•    Whistleblower protections are a must
•    Workforce plan needs to cover both public and private practice.  We require to assess the actual required full-time equivalents
•    Premier has announced incentives to come and work in Queensland, but are they attractive enough

Chief Executive Officer’s report
CEO Dr Brett Dale highlighted areas that AMA Queensland has supported, promoted and advocated for, on behalf of the medical profession in Queensland.

Advocacy has been centred on:

  • The NQ Pharmacy Pilot
  • General Practice Payroll Tax
  • Medical Workforce plan
  • Digital Passport – Single accreditation for all QH employees
  • Maternity Services
  • GP Obs training
  • HHS Accountability
  • Medical Workforce
  • Drug Law Reform
  • eHealth

The current AMA Queensland 11-Point Plan needs to be reviewed by late September early October to determine Council’s priorities ahead of the next State budget and Queensland election in 2024. 

We would like to highlight the digital passport for clinicians’ credentialing which has been a direct result of AMA Queensland’s advocacy and is well supported by us to help address the current workforce challenges throughout Queensland.

For more information, please head to our website to access AMA Q Media statements, position statements and AMAQ submissions. Advocacy & Policy | Australian Medical Association 

Visit the website

Q2 Scorecard is a quick guide to the AMA Queensland’s activities, achievements and advocacy efforts on behalf of Queensland members.  

View AMA Queensland Scorecard Q2 2023

Councillor reports 
Thank you to the following Councillors who provided reports. 

  • Dr Sharon Kelly Committee of Consultant Specialists 
  • Dr James Allen
  • Dr Sharmila Biswas
  • Dr Lisa Fraser
  • A/Prof Geoffrey Hawson
  • A/ Prof Kees Nydam

AMA Queensland Council is your representative body. Please feel free to contact me or any of your representative Councillors on any issues that you would like raised at Council. Contact us through the Secretariat on (07) 3872 2222 or email

Dr Nicholas Yim
Chair, AMA Queensland Council