Media release

We don't throw people to the lions: we should also ban boxing

The AMA has repeated calls for a ban on all professional and amateur boxing in the wake of the death of a young Queensland boxer after a bout in Melbourne on Friday night.

AMA Federal President, Dr Kerryn Phelps, said the AMA had been opposed to all forms of boxing for many years.

"A young father has died today from a fatal head injury after yet another example of the violence and anachronism of this so-called 'sport'.

"The sole aim of boxing is to inflict enough physical injury on an opponent to render them unable to continue, or to cause more injury than the blows being received in return.

"This sport has no place in modern society. We don't throw people to the lions anymore, we should also be banning boxing," Dr Phelps said.

She said until a total ban was imposed, the AMA recommended a series of initiatives for boxing jurisdictions to minimise harm to amateur and professional boxers:

  • The head should be made out-of-bounds for punches
  • A medical practitioner should be present at all contests and be trained in ringside resuscitation
  • Medical practitioners overseeing boxing contests should be authorised to stop the contest at any point toexamine a contestant and, if necessary, terminate the bout
  • Current resuscitation equipment should be available ringside
  • Protective head-gear, larger gloves and standardised and correctly-fitted mouthguards should be compulsory
  • All ring-side personnel should undergo health and first-aid training

"In other sports, physical injury can occur as a by-product of body contact. But in boxing, it is the deliberate aim of contestants to inflict damage on the brain.

"How many more tragic incidents will occur before action is taken?" Dr Phelps asked.

CONTACT: Sarah Bucknell 02 6270 5472 0419 440 076

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