Media release

Vitamin D deficiency linked to diabetes in pregnancy

All pregnant women should be tested for vitamin D deficiency and those found to be deficient should be treated, say experts.

Pregnant women with gestational diabetes are likely to have low levels of vitamin D, potentially leading to bone weakness in their babies, according to research in the latest issue of the Medical Journal of Australia.

Researchers studied 147 women who attended Westmead Hospital’s gestational diabetes clinic between February 2007 and February 2008, excluding those with known pre-pregnancy glucose intolerance.

More than 40 per cent of the women were found to have inadequate vitamin D levels. Lau and colleagues found that while low levels were more common in women with darker skin, more than 25% of women in all groups were deficient.

“Vitamin D insufficiency has a well established impact on bone density, neonatal vitamin D and calcium status, and childhood rickets (soft or weak bones)”.

“The 41 per cent prevalence of inadequate 25(OH)D (25-hydroxyvitamin D) levels in women with GDM (gestational diabetes mellitus) in our study is unacceptable and identifies vitamin D insufficiency as an issue of public health significance,” Dr Gunton said.

The researchers recommended that further research into the potential link between vitamin D status and gestational diabetes be conducted.

In an accompanying editorial, Professor Peter Ebeling from the University of Melbourne at Western Health suggested scheduling of lower-cost, higher-dose vitamin D supplements be altered so that more women could afford them.

“Those pregnant and breastfeeding women that are most at risk of vitamin D deficiency are often the least likely to be able to afford supplements,” Professor Ebeling said.

The Medical Journal of Australia is a publication of the Australian Medical Association.

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CONTACT:     Prof Peter Ebeling         03 8345 6429 / 0409 135 510
                    Dr Jenny Gunton           02 9295 8433 / 9245 8474

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