
Veterans' Access to GPs Enhanced

The Government's decision to do away with formal contracts for GPs who want to treat veterans under the Department of Veterans Affairs' (DVA) Local Medical Officer (LMO) Scheme will attract more GPs to the scheme and make it easier for veterans to access GP care.

AMA President, Dr Rosanna Capolingua, said the Government's decision to remove the LMO red tape from 13 August would add value to the LMO Scheme.

"The AMA has been working closely with the DVA to simplify LMO processes and systems," Dr Capolingua said.

"Getting rid of the cumbersome contracts will make it easier for GPs to look after veterans.

"All GPs will be able to accept DVA white and gold cards from veterans.

"With more GPs in the Scheme, veterans will have a better chance of finding a local GP to look after them."

Under existing arrangements, GPs must complete a lengthy contract with DVA in order to be eligible to treat veterans under the LMO Scheme.

GPs are required to renew their contract every couple of years and, if they move practice location, they have to reapply to DVA for LMO status.

These requirements are unnecessary and time consuming because DVA is simply verifying information that Medicare Australia already has on file.

The elimination of the LMO contracts will streamline compliance costs for GPs dealing with DVA. It also means that GPs won't lose their LMO status simply because they have changed practice location.

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