Media release

The unique pivotal role of doctors in the Australian health system

AMA Position Statement on the Role of the Doctor

The AMA today released a new Position Statement on the Role of the Doctor. AMA President, Dr Andrew Pesce, said that at a time of significant health reform that involves moves towards team-based approaches to health care, it is important to set out the unique qualities that make doctors the pivotal players in Australia’s health system.

Dr Pesce said that when people are sick or injured or want advice about staying healthy, they want to see a doctor.

“People have trust and confidence in the skills and experience of doctors, and it is important that the strength of the doctor-patient relationship is acknowledged and reflected in health reform,” Dr Pesce said.

“Doctors are uniquely placed to provide leadership across the whole health system.

“It is important that this leadership role is supported as the Government proceeds with major reforms such as Medicare Locals and Local Hospital Networks.

“Health reform will only deliver benefits to patients and the community if doctors are consulted closely prior to the development and implementation of new policies and processes.

“And doctors must have leadership roles in the management of the delivery of health services in primary care and in our hospitals,” Dr Pesce said.

The AMA Position Statement on the Role of the Doctor covers:

  • Trust and the patient-doctor relationship;
  • Diagnosis and prognosis;
  • Complex decision-making;
  • A multidisciplinary approach to health care;
  • Professionalism;
  • Leadership in health services and in the community;
  • Training the current and next generation of doctors; and
  • Medical education and training.

The AMA Position Statement on the Role of the Doctor is on the AMA website at


14 April 2011

CONTACT: John Flannery              02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761
               Geraldine Kurukchi        02 6270 5467 / 0427 209 753

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