
Travel Assistance Report Spot On

The AMA welcomes the recommendations made by the Senate report into the Patient Assisted Travel Schemes (PATS) to properly fund and expand the programs as an important part of health care for Australians in remote areas.

Chair of the AMA Rural Reference Group, Dr David Rivett, said he was pleased to see many of the recommendations address the major issues previously raised by the AMA.

"This Report has clearly identified the major problems with the current PATS and has set out workable solutions to make the schemes more accessible to all patients," Dr Rivett said.

"Now we need action by the States, Territories and the Commonwealth, backed by significant increases in funding, to implement these recommendations."

The AMA lodged submissions in May this year and appeared before the Inquiry to highlight many issues including:

  • The current poor funding for PATS
  • The difference in eligibility criteria and funding between States and Territories
  • Lack of recognition for the cultural needs of Indigenous peoples
  • The overly complex application process
  • The need to open up PATS beyond specialist services to cover all other items in the Medicare Benefits Schedule.

The AMA has proposed significant improvements to PATS and called for funding to be lifted by $144 million over four years.

"Under the current scheme, patients are given around $30 to $35 per night for accommodation, while their carer may receive as little as $20 per night. For travel by car, patients receive only 15 cents per kilometre," Dr Rivett said.

"A significant increase in funding is needed if PATS are to provide proper assistance to those patients who cannot receive the care they need in their home town.

"We also need nationally consistent standards, transport and accommodation subsidies that can make a real difference, and an application process that doesn't bog patients and doctors down in unnecessary paperwork.

"The AMA urges both major parties to use the recommendations in this report to fix the current problems with the schemes and make them viable, worthwhile programs."

The AMA recommendations regarding PATS are part of the rural policy paper, Bridging the Gap.

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