Media release

Tobacco plain packaging will save lives

The AMA congratulates the Government on the passing in the Senate this evening of its world-leading tobacco plain packaging legislation.

AMA Vice President, Professor Geoffrey Dobb, said that the new laws – to take effect from December 2012 – would save lives.

“Plain packaging eliminates one of the last means of flashy advertising or marketing open to tobacco companies,” Professor Dobb said.

“It takes away the perception of glamour or trendiness that is falsely associated with smoking, and which draws people, especially young people, to take up or continue the killer habit.

“This is a significant day for public health in Australia.  It is another significant milestone in tobacco control in this country that stretches back over decades.

“It is an achievement that sends a strong signal to the rest of the world to follow our lead.

“Many lives will be saved and many people will have another incentive to quit smoking and improve their health.

“The AMA urges the tobacco industry to put its efforts into abiding by the legislation in the best interests of the health of the Australian community,” Professor Dobb said.

10 November 2011

CONTACT:         John Flannery                       02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

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