Media release

Tobacco Plain Packaging gets final tick

AMA President, Dr Steve Hambleton, said today that Australia’s reputation as a world leader in public health initiatives that save lives and improve people’s health has been significantly enhanced with the Parliament giving the final tick to the Government’s pioneering tobacco plain packaging legislation.

The new laws take effect from December 2012.

Dr Hambleton said there is no doubt that other countries will follow Australia’s lead in taking on the big tobacco companies and bringing about tough reform that will save people’s lives.

“Smoking kills people and smoking destroys people’s health,” Dr Hambleton said.

“The AMA strongly supports Government action to stop people smoking and discouraging others, especially young people and children, from taking up the killer habit.

“Introducing plain packaging is a significant achievement in public health and Health Minister Nicola Roxon is to be congratulated for never giving up on this very tough task.

“This legislation will save lives.

“The AMA urges the tobacco industry to accept the decision and desist from legal action or disruptive tactics designed to delay or stop the introduction of plain packaging in Australia.”

Dr Hambleton said that the Parliament must now tackle other serious public health issues confronting Australia such as obesity and excess alcohol use.

21 November 2011

CONTACT:                        John Flannery                           02 6270 5477 / 0419 494 761

                                       Kirsty Waterford                        02 6270 5464 / 0427 209 753

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