
Time to relax restrictions on Medicare provider numbers - AMA

AMA Vice-President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, said today that the Government should relax restrictions on Medicare provider numbers as a matter of urgency to keep more doctors in the system.

Dr Haikerwal said the AMA has called for the changes in its submission to the Government's review of its provider number legislation.

"This is just one of many steps the Government could take to address Australia's medical workforce shortage problems," Dr Haikerwal said.

"The 'provider number legislation' was introduced in 1996 and it prevents new doctors from working as GPs unless they complete the Government's GP Training program.

"By capping the number of positions in the program for years, the Government's legislation has contributed significantly to the shortage of GPs we have today.

"The AMA wants provider numbers to be made available to fully registered doctors not yet in specialty or GP training to work under supervision in GP practices in urban areas.  Similar arrangements exist for these doctors to work under supervision in all other specialties - such as anaesthetics, emergency medicine, and surgery - but not in general practice.

"The AMA is also calling for the removal of the wads of red tape attached to the Government's many medical workforce programs. They impede the recruitment and retention of doctors in our diminishing medical workforce.  These bureaucratic restrictions are a disincentive to young doctors wanting to work in outer metropolitan areas, and they are turning medical students away from general practice training.

"The provider number restrictions were put in place when there was an alleged oversupply of doctors which, it was argued, escalated demand for medical services.

"But today we have a genuine shortage of doctors, a decline in the per capita utilisation of medical services, and significant and growing difficulties in both rural and urban areas for patients to access medical services.

"Lifting the restrictions would produce immediate results - doctors would be willing to work in areas of need," Dr Haikerwal said.

Dr Haikerwal said the Government should drastically change its policy on unfunded bonded medical school places.  There is overwhelming evidence - here and overseas - that these draconian measures do not work.

CONTACT:         John Flannery            (02) 6270 5477 / (0419) 494 761      

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