
Tasmanian car smoking ban sets good example for other Governments

AMA President, Dr Mukesh Haikerwal, today welcomed the decision by the Tasmanian Government to ban smoking in cars carrying anyone under 18 years of age and to not allow the sale of fruit-flavoured cigarettes in the State.

Dr Haikerwal said both decisions set a good example to the other States and Territories.

"The car smoking ban is sensible and responsible," Dr Haikerwal said.

"It removes another health hazard from our kids and will hopefully convince smokers to make their cars a total smoke-free zone or, better still, give up the killer habit totally.

"The fruit-flavoured cigarettes are another Big Tobacco trick that had to be outlawed.

"The AMA congratulates the Tasmanian Government for taking these major steps to rid our community of smoking and the harm it causes.

"We urge other governments to put in place similar legislation," Dr Haikerwal said.

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