Media release

Support your local family doctor

Your Family Doctor: Invaluable to your health

The AMA is encouraging Australians to celebrate AMA Family Doctor Week 2016 by acknowledging the hard work and dedication of the more than 30,000 GPs across the country who provide high quality primary health care to their patients.

The theme of Family Doctor Week, 24-30 July 2016, is ‘Your Family Doctor: Invaluable to your health’.

AMA President, Dr Michael Gannon, said today that the personalised care and preventive health advice provided by family doctors helps to keep people out of hospitals, and keep health costs down.

“Family doctors are leaders in preventive health care, early diagnosis and treatment, coordinated care, and chronic disease management,” Dr Gannon said.

“GPs are not only invaluable to the health of Australians, but they provide cost effective and comprehensive care.

“Australian GPs provide the community with more than 137 million consultations, treat more than 11 million people with chronic disease, and dedicate more than 33 million hours tending to patients each year.

“When people get sick or injured, or need advice about their health, they want to see a doctor.

“Nearly 90 per cent of Australians have a regular GP, and enjoy better health because of that ongoing trusted relationship.

“Family Doctor Week is an opportunity for all Australians to appreciate the important relationship they have with their local family doctor.”

Each day this week the AMA will highlight issues affecting family doctors and urge governments to provide greater support to allow them to continue serving their communities.

As part of Family Doctor Week, the AMA has released a video showcasing the important relationship family doctors have with their patients. To view the video, visit

Follow all the action on Twitter: #amafdw16, #nomedicarefreeze

24 July 2016

CONTACT:        Kirsty Waterford                02 6270 5464 / 0427 209 753

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